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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Rental Coverage for College Students

Do you have a student in your family? College students living in off-campus housing are ideal candidates for renters insurance. Many students bring expensive gaming systems, smartphones, televisions and computers with them while attending classes away from home. If these items are stolen or damaged as the result of a fire, theft, or other circumstances, the landlord’s insurance will not cover personal property.

 Another reason for the coverage is something that doesn’t always come to mind, especially for parents - personal liability. Renters insurance will help pay for medical-related expenses in the event of an injury on the premises. For example: if a student is hosting a get together at their apartment and someone trips, falls down stairs, is injured and/or potentially sues the resident,  renter’s insurance coverage would pay for expenses that are incurred. 

 Be prepared & give yourself (and your student) some peace of mind with Renters Insurance. Ask us about it today!