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Ieuter Insurance Group Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

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Insurance considerations for newlyweds: Merging policies and coverage

Did you know that September and October are the most popular months for weddings? If you're getting prepared for upcoming nuptials, don't forget add touching base with your insurance agent to your wedding checklist....

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What insurance issues will your child's departure for college raise?

Do you have kids headed off to college later this month? Do you know what insurance issues their departure will raise? We highly recommend reaching out to Your Friends In The Insurance Business at Ieuter Insurance Group...

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Renting vs. Owning a Home: Protect Your Property No Matter Which You Prefer

If you’re on the fence about renting or owning a home, here’s a helpful look at the upsides of each option. Remember to get the right insurance when you make your choice, so your property is fully protected. The...

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Do you have a child heading to college this fall? Talk to your agent about coverage changes

It's a busy time of year for parents preparing to send their children off to college. Your Friends In The Insurance Business at Ieuter Insurance Group recommend checking in with your agent before they depart to ensure...

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College students renting apartments/homes need renters insurance

When you sent your student away to college this fall, did you remember to pack renters insurance? Yes, kids away at college and renting homes or apartments need renters insurance. Renters insurance is the easiest and...

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Help Your Dog Love Apartment Living

Apartment living can have many advantages: low maintenance, close to work and entertainment, and ease of changing residence. But, if you’re a dog owner, apartment living can present some difficulties. You probably won’t...

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Device Insurance: Cover Your Personal Electronics With the Policy You Already Have

It seems everyone these days has a smartphone. Or a smart TV, a tablet, or an ebook reader. Or all of the above – and more. When you add it all up, you may find you have thousands and thousands of dollars tied up in...

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When the Kids Head for College, Put “Insurance 101" on Your Class List

It's an exciting time when your child heads off to college. Whether they're attending school in Michigan or have moved all the way across the country, there were a ton of things to get done last month, but did you...

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