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Ieuter Insurance Group Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Cold Stress: Keeping Workers Safe in Low Temperature Environments

According to OSHA the number one risk to those who work in cool environments is Cold Stress. This occurs when anyone working outdoors and/or in cold environments has a drop in skin temperature which then leads to a...

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Winter Driving Tips

As of this week Mother Nature has decided to give Michigan a winter a with it has come snow and ice on the roads. Be sure to brush up on your winter driving tips as you brush the inches off your vehicle. Here are some...

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Protect Yourself with Cyber Liability Insurance!

Cyber liability insurance keeps growing with the advancement of technology but there are four exposures that you can cover today and protect yourself from loss.Data Breach: Increased government regulations have placed...

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Holiday Safety Tips

As our holiday season is quickly approaching there are some safety tips to make sure you and yours stay safe. 1.Salt and sand your walkways and steps. Slip and fall accidents are the most common cause of injury every...

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Health Insurance: 'Tis the Season!

The Affordable Care Act brought on many changes in the health insurance industry. The biggest one of all was the established Open Enrollment Period from November through January. This is the time of year when anyone who...

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Thrifty Security: Burglar-Proof Your Home for the Holidays

It's not unusual, when you set out on that holiday trip, to look back at the house a little nervously. Sure, you remembered to lock the doors, but just how secure are things? What might happen while you're away?One way...

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Deep-Fryer Turkey Safety Tips

Will you be deep frying a turkey this Thanksgiving? If so, keep these tips in mind and reduce your risk of a deep-fryer-related fire.Thaw and dry the bird. Adding a partly frozen or wet bird to hot oil will cause...

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Tips for the Holiday Season

Thanksgiving and Christmas are quickly approaching - it's always a great idea to keep some key things in mind to stay safe and make the season even more enjoyable! Here are some safety tips from your friends at Ieuter...

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Safe, Secure Shopping: Tips for Black Friday

It's become almost as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and football: Black Friday, the morning-after (or in some cases evening-after) shopping spree. It's the biggest shopping day of the year, an event in its own...

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Life Insurance and Your Kids

No one wants to think about losing a child, but that is NOT why you should consider buying life insurance on a child. Future insurability is my number one reason. When you child gets older and has a family, what if they...

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